Sunday, November 29, 2009

Live and Die in LA

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(Urban Outfitters Dress, Jeffrey Campbell Alexa Wedges)

Did you guys have a Happy Thanksgiving?
Mine was the usual: KFC with the family since we don't like turkey and that's our lame tradition....
I've always envied those with a big happy family like my boyfriend's.
I come from a somewhat of a broken home although both of my parents are super loving and probably are the best parents who are also extremely stylish. lol
To be honest, I hate Thanksgiving. I hate any special holidays where you spend eating delicious food with your family because my sister and I only had each other when we were growing up and it was so boring. Nothing to do, no big meal to eat. Although we always had awesome friends who gave us leftovers. This year being Carol(thank you. We love you Carol. Your mom's the best cook!) Normally it's Sam aka Ham Shin who gives us his leftovers that he got from church..

My dad's brother passed away. Now our small family is even smaller. I went to a funeral for the first time and saw a dead person for the first time too. It was weird and sad. The fact that they're were only six of us was the saddest part. RIP 큰삼촌..
I don't mean to write such a depressing entry but for those haters out there, and who think I'm a spoiled rich girl, now you know, I don't have it all.

On a brighter note, I watched Ninja Assasin, and omg, it was such a good fight movie. I watched it with my sister and 5 of my highschool homies including Ham Shin, and all the guys hated the movie but my sister and I loved it. I think they're just jealous. They have to be. Rain is so hot in this movie. I think I want to be a ninja. I do qualify since I'm part Japanese. hehe

Aimeeways you guys, have a great week & a happy and warm December!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Awesome and Creative Nose Hair Trimmer Ads

To amusingly yet convincingly dramatize the need for the Panasonic nose hair trimmer’s safety cutting system, creative billboards were built around actual electric poles and wires in Indonesia.

With thousands of sensory nerve fibers in human nostrils, trimming nose hair can be as risky as cutting live wires.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A tinta não "pegou"

Olá Amigos!
Hoje tive um probleminha em um de meus trabalho com uma cliente.

Pela primeira vez neste período de 4 anos na área como tatuador, encontrei essa cliente que de certa forma me deu dor de cabeça, pois fiz uma tattoo de 7cm X 9cm (uma carpa), contornei o desenho sem problemas. Porém na hora de colorir o desenho nunca vi coisa igual, a pele da cliente não segurava a tinta de forma alguma. Eu usei uma haste com 12 agulhas soldadas flat alternada e tintas da Masters Ink e Electric Ink. Na hora do preenchimento e sombreado degradê, parecia até a eu estava trabalhando sem tinta alguma na biqueira. A tinta não penetrava na pele de jeito algum. Pela primeira vez fiquei até confuso e não entendia o que estava acontecendo. Foi a tattoo mais demorada de se conclui que eu já fiz. Uma tattoo que normalmente levo 01:30h nesta gastei quase 04:00h para consegui a pintura desejada. Eu gostaria de saber se já aconteceu algo semelhante com algum dos tatuadores e qual foi a melhor forma de se resolver uma situação como esta???

Desde já agradecemos a atenção!

Um Abraço!
Welton Ricardo
Equipe Bangalô Stúdio

Precisa de ajuda? Envie um e-mail.

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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Matheus Falcão, Dragão na Costela, 176

¨Bom me chamo matheus e estou enviando fotos da minha tattoo porque foi a primeira que fiz e a maior também.

Um dia estava vendo uma revista de tattoo e na hora em que eu bati o olho nessa eu me apaixonei. Juntei uma grana e resolvi fazer. Fiz em duas sessões, uma para contornar e outra para colorir.

Valeu muito a pena, espero que gostem.¨

Matheus Falcão

Need a Tattoo Aftercare Kit or to purchase kits for your Tattoo Shop?

Black Cat Tattoo Aftercare makes several different sizes & combinations whether it's a butterfly on your rear or a whole sleeve. Order the pack that suits you best.

Need to get Black Cat Tattoo Aftercare products in your shop? You will make money off of these kits and at the same time provide your customers with the best tattoo aftercare available.

If They Did Tattoos in Church Like This, I Might Just Go...

MILL CREEK, Wash. - Church is probably the last place you'd think to get a tattoo, but a pastor in Mill Creek is getting his message out - one tattoo at a time.

A Sunday sermon at the Gold Creek Community Church in Mill Creek features something very unique.

On stage with the pastor is a tattoo artist and a member of the congregation, Erica Armendariz, sits quietly as he adds another tattoo to her arm.

"The one you don't want to put on yourself is the '666' right?" the Rev. Dan Kellogg asks the church-goers.

This is one way Kellogg gets his message across to his followers.

It's part of a six-week series called "Permanent Ink." Kellogg says the purpose is to find things in life that should be permanent and other things that should be removed.

Some churches considering tattooing a desecration of the body. But Kellogg disagrees with that.

"Even though it's a little edgy - and in fact some churches would say it's wrong to get a tattoo - we don't take that position at all," he says.

"We actually believe that this represents something that we can apply, something popular in our culture, that we can apply some spiritual truth to."

On this Sunday, Armendariz is on stage getting more artwork added to what she calls her "spiritual sleeve," a mural of religious tattoos across her arm.

"It's a constant reminder every day I wake up to it," she says. "It's something that constantly keeps it in the back of my head that I need to be the best person that I can be."

"Some people have thought through what they want permanently on their body, and what we want to talk about is what you want permanently on your soul too," the pastor says.

Kellogg says he's neither encouraging nor discouraging tattoos, but it's a powerful message and a unique way to get it across.

He didn't get a tattoo but had the word "FOUND" airbrushed on to his arm - and that's part of his next message.

As part of his message last week, Pastor Kellogg had some people remove their old tattoos - representing things they wanted out of their life.

This Man Donated His Tattoos & Skin To Art...

HE is an art lover who has dedicated his whole body to his passion.
Now retired history teacher Geoff Ostling, 65, has pledged to donate his skin to the National Gallery in Canberra.
He worked with cult artist eX de Merci over 15 years to tattoo a masterpiece on his body, from neck to ankle, with the theme "All the flowers of a Sydney garden".
"I wanted something unique, so I thought about a garden of plants, of natives and imported flowers, what you would find in a Sydney garden with a distant view of the city from Heartbreak Hill (at Rose Bay)," he said.
"To donate skin is not the most amazing thing in the world but the tattoos are revolutionary."
The concept of donating his skin was followed in an Australian documentary Anatomy, which has already won international acclaim.

He will also donate his organs to medicine.
"It has never been done as a whole body before and not in a gallery," he said.
"People can be squeamish about it. Portraits painted on human skin hang in galleries around the world. They don't tell you that, of course, and valuable books were also covered in human skin."
Sydney taxidermy expert Sascha Smith said it could be a challenge to preserve the tattoos unharmed but the process would be no different to skinning an animal.

Cool and Technological Mona Lisa ASUS Motherboard

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Most Cool and Creative Billboards 3D Advertisement

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Sunday, November 22, 2009

20 tatuagens deliciosas

Tem gente que ama tatuagem e também ama uma boa comida. Para marcar estes amores nada melhor que uma boa, colorida e suculenta tatugem em seus corpos. Wraps, tortas, doces, pizza, picolés, ovos, milho, sorvetes e pirulitos são pequenas amostras das guloseimas do quadro Crazy Tattoos.

I Won't Fall

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(BB Dakota Faux Fur Vest, Tiger Shirt from Ebay, Random Leggings, Jessica Simpson Thigh High Boots)
After pretending like I'm cool and posing for the camera, I had to be my goofy self again. hehe
Believe it or not, I used to break dance it middle school and still kinda know how to crip walk. lol